Sunday, April 27, 2014

Questions for the article “Transmedia Storytelling 101”

1. Why is transmedia storytelling important in digital convergence communication?
Transmedia storytelling is important in digital convergence communication because it allows for cross platform storytelling.  Transmedia allows the story to continue from one medium to another and becomes an extension of the original story.

2. Why can the media business be beneficial more from transmedia storytelling in distributing their productions? By having multiple forms of content businesses have a bigger market to sell to.  The process of transmedia gives media outlets more content to distribute, thus giving them more content to sell to consumers.

3. How can transmedia storytelling be beneficial for different bodies of audience in consuming productions? Transmedia allows a story to be told through multiple platforms.  For instance, a movie can be released and simultaneously a video game may come out that acts as an extension to the story.  This extension benefits the audience by granting them more content.

4. How can transmedia storytelling be worked out in terms of collective intelligence in the process of production? Transmedia requires media from multiple outlets (comics, books, movies, TV, video games, etc) a story can start in a comic book and then a movie can be made, followed by a video game.  This process requires the gathering of collective intelligence to create all of the content.

5. How does transmedia storytelling encourage interactivity with the audience?  When different content produces put out stories that are extensions of the original story this gives the audience more content to interact with.  If someone is a fan of a movie that also has a game they may be more inclined to purchase the game and that makes them become more interactive with the content.

Friday, April 11, 2014

All the Aggregation That's Fit to Aggregate/Photojournalism in the Age of New Media

All the Aggregation That’s Fit to Aggregate


What does aggregation mean?  Aggregation is bringing smaller parts into one bigger entity.  As far as it relates to this course, aggregation can be seen more as media convergence. 


Why does the author describe Arianna Huffington as “the queen of aggregation?”  Go to the Huffington Post and provide an example.  Because Arianna Huffington’s website the Huffington Post is an aggregate site that has gained mass popularity.  On the Huffington Post site they retrieve news and gossip from around the web and compile it on to their site.


Is aggregation a threat to professional journalism – why or why not? No.  Some of the aggregate sites use stories from professional journalists and major news sources.  If anything it gives more viewers the opportunity to read the articles by professional journalists.


Photojournalism in the Age of New Media


A professional journalist receives a photo captured by a citizen journalist….


·         What are the positives? It is a first hand, real time experience.  These images give a more realistic, raw vision of whatever situation is transpiring.

·         Why does the professional journalist need to be careful?  They need to make sure they verify any pictures and accredit them properly.

·         Why might the content of the photo be called into question?  Photos have to be verified and make sure they are of the actual event from the time that it is happening. 

·         How does citizen photojournalist impact the job of the professional photojournalist?  They reduce the need for so many professional photojournalists.  A company may have had 10 or so photographers at one point, but now may only need 2 or 3.  On the other hand, citizen photojournalists won’t replace the professionals, they’ll still be needed.  Also, having citizens around the world able to take pictures, it relieves some of the need for photographers to travel.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Questions for the article “Youtube”

1.     How does the interaction online become the key for Youtube video production community? Please use the media convergence concept to explain it.  By having a place for users to upload videos and allowing users to comment and interact.  YouTube has become a leader in media convergence this way.  People can upload content, comment on content, borrow the content and post it elsewhere and subscribe to other users content.

2.    The article mentioned that the teens are mainly passively consumers of Youtube being on the periphery. But seven out of 10 most subscribed partners are teens and young adults. How do you explain this use of Youtube in youth?
      Teens may be the most passive consumers of YouTube, but they are invested in the future of YouTube.  By becoming subscribers, teens are seeking out the specific content they want and showing loyalty to certain YouTube channels.
3.    How does Youtube use different techniques to create an online community that is different from other websites?  
     By allowing users to subscribe to other users content, YouTube has been able to create its own media network that utilizes the concepts of participatory culture.   This also creates a participatory culture within its own community.
4.    What is the next step for Youtube development? Please use the concept of participatory culture and media development theory we discussed to explain your answer.  The next step would be the incorporation of 3-D technology or some other technology that would enhance the senses and make the use of YouTube more organic. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Social Media Questions - Week 7

Social Media Use is Soaring—Tine to Reconsider Your 2013 Strategy


·         What did you learn about the growing trends in the use of social media? That people are using their phones more and more to access social media sites.  Which makes people focus more on their social media instead of other things, such as websites, etc.

·         What takeaways do you see from the data? That people are accessing social media more and more through wireless (phones, tablets, etc.) technology.  People are also inflating social media use through the use of second-screens.


Technology & Internet:  10 Social Media Tips Every Business Needs to Know


·         How does business use social media?  As a way to connect with consumers.

·         Where you surprised by what “social media is NOT?” Yes and no.  I was surprised that the growing population of Facebook users was women aged 45-60.  Everything else the article mentioned was pretty common sense.

·         Describe some of the things that “social media IS.”  Social media is a fast-growing, free “place to be seen.”  It is also a major marketing tool.

·         What are the takeaways for business from this article? That social media is a major tool for people and businesses to use; you are either involved in social media or you are out of the picture.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Putin Aide Delivers Questionable Rhetoric


     On Tuesday Kremlin Economic Aide Sergei Glazyev stated that Russia "would find a way not just to reduce our dependency on the United States to zero but to emerge from those sanctions with great benefits for ourselves."  Glazyev also stated that the American economic system would "crash."  These comments were made in response to possible sanctions being placed on Russia by the U.S. in response to Russian forces moving in on Ukraine.  
     Glazyev went on to say that Russia would discontinue the use of the dollar for international transactions and create their own system with other economic partners.  Russia would also default on current U.S. loans, which "would cause the end of the domination of the United States in the global financial system," according to Glazyev.
     The U.S. wasn't the only target of Glazyev's rhetoric; Europe would also face "catastrophe" if sanctions were put in place. 

                                                         Photo of Sergei Glazyev               (REUTERS/Alexander Natruskin)
     Apparently this is common practice for Sergei Glazyev, who is known for his wildly outlandish views and comments. Business Insider writer Joe Weisenthal put it like this, with Glazyev's comments he "is literally threatening to put his own companies into default. That's the opposite of a threat."  At least for now, it seems we can rest easy and not worry about Glazyev's questionable rhetoric.

"Glazyev probably thinks it sounds good domestically to make these threats and to imagine that they're of any significance. For everyone else they're just an amusement," said Weisenthal.


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